Category: News

General church news

Town Hall Meeting

Our Board holds a congregational Town Hall meeting approximately quarterly, to facilitate communication between and among our members. They welcome feedback, questions, concerns, and ideas at any time, via email, phone, or old-fashioned US Mail–and they appreciate the usefulness of people coming together and sharing ideas in a group. The next Town Hall will be … Continue reading Town Hall Meeting

Covenant Groups, RPGs, Ostara!

There are lots of things to do this winter/spring. Two covenant groups are forming, we’ll host a role-playing game on 3/5, and there will be a discussion about contemporary paganism, including an Ostara ritual, sometime in mid-to-late March. Contact Rev. Chip, or the church office, for more information, or to reserve a space in any … Continue reading Covenant Groups, RPGs, Ostara!

Calling All Singers!

In 1957, our then-minister, Rev. John H. Morgan, wrote a poem to use as an Easter sermon. Later, after Rev. Morgan moved to Canada, a member of the congregation, Norris Hooton, set it to music. In 1964, a group of UUs from South Bend and Elkhart made a road trip to Morgan’s Toronto church to … Continue reading Calling All Singers!

Great Decisions 2023

It’s time to think about enrolling in Great Decisions 2023–an eight part program that’s part of our Church’s Lifelong Learning Program. The program is sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association. Groups throughout the country meet to learn about and discuss issues facing the US in the World. First Unitarian has been offering this program annually … Continue reading Great Decisions 2023

Save the Crisis Response Funding!

New County Commission President Car Baxmeyer withdrew a contract for the crisis response center from this Tuesday’s commissioner meeting. This is the last meeting this year, and threatens to forfeit county funding for the center, which would help family members and neighbors struggling with a mental health or substance use crisis. Please write our County … Continue reading Save the Crisis Response Funding!

Online Holiday Dessert Auction

From December 1-14, bid on fabulous Desserts on our Auction website: (enter 1ucsb for the site, then your username and password). Winners can arrange the delivery date to be for the holidays or much later. Rum Cake, Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Cheesecake and more! ***Donations of cookies and desserts needed, contact Kathy Platt

Board Town Hall 12/18

The next Board Town Hall Meeting will be on Sunday, December 18 after the church service. Refreshments and childcare will be provided.