Category: News

General church news

CASIE Center Stockings!

As we have done for many years, the children in RE will be filling Christmas stockings for the C.A.S.I.E. Center (Child Abuse Services, Investigations and Education) and we need your help! Donations can be dropped off at the church until Sunday, November 27th. Suggested donations for the stockings include: socks hats and mittens for babies … Continue reading CASIE Center Stockings!

Parliament of World Religions

The next Parliament of the World Religions will be held in Chicago, August 14-18, 2023. Unitarians helped found the first Parliament, in 1893. Many UUs have attended the last several Parliaments, in 2015 (Salt Lake City) & 2018 (Toronto). Organizers of the Parliament expect “participants from more than 200 diverse religious, indigenous, and secular beliefs … Continue reading Parliament of World Religions

Participants Needed for 11/27

Autumn brings many changes — elections, beginning of the school year, leaves falling, different flavors and scents on the air. Its waning days herald the start of the much-splashier Holiday Season. We’ll pay tribute to James Whitcomb Riley’s classic fall poem, with special music from Lynn McDonald and Allen deSomer, and to the preparations we … Continue reading Participants Needed for 11/27

End-Of-Life Bingo Card

This is a light-hearted way to be mindful of the many tasks and documents we might engage, no matter how old we are. These can make our own lives more comfortable; answer difficult questions so that our loved ones do not have to; and provide the legal framework to enforce our own choices. Thanks to … Continue reading End-Of-Life Bingo Card

Service Evolution

COM Service Evolution MeetingA final Service Evolution meeting will be held next Tuesday, October 25 from 2:00-3:00pm in the usual church Zoom Room ( Please see full update from COM below. The Committee on Ministry (COM) and Rev. Chip would like to thank all the volunteers who attended one of the Service Evolution groups this summer. The … Continue reading Service Evolution

CROP Hunger Walk Update

Thank you for supporting the “Dale Gibson Memorial” CROP Hunger Walk last month. We raised $1075 for the hungry in our area and in the world. You are the BEST!

Join or Donate: CROP Hunger Walk Team

Our “Dale Gibson Memorial” CWS CROP Hunger Walk team is online! You can join our team, or donate, at the link below. The event is Sunday afternoon, September 25, 2022. Make checks to “CWS/CROP” or follow the link to donate with a credit card:

Office Closed 9/5/22

The church office will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 5, 2022. It will re-open as usual on Tuesday 9/6, 10:00am – noon ET.

Newcomers Classes

Newcomers’ Class Two-Part MeetingIf you are new to attending First Unitarian Church and would like to learn more about us, please join in the Newcomers’ Class. This is a two-part class meeting held on Zoom at 7:00pm on Thursday, September 15 and Thursday, September 29. Join the meeting on the church Zoom channel: or … Continue reading Newcomers Classes