CASIE Center Stockings!

As we have done for many years, the children in RE will be filling Christmas stockings for the C.A.S.I.E. Center (Child Abuse Services, Investigations and Education) and we need your help! Donations can be dropped off at the church until Sunday, November 27th.

Suggested donations for the stockings include:
hats and mittens for babies to teens
small toys of all kinds
matchbox cars and trucks
blank notebooks and journals (for teen girls)
small cans of playdoh
small stuffed animals
card games
small soft balls and footballs
sticker books
skinny markers
small dolls (including Barbies)
infant and toddler toys
hair brushes, ties and clips for girls
small paperback children’s books
play jewelry
sports card collections
small soft purses

There is a box in the church foyer for your donations. If you’d prefer to make a donation to the center, please make the check out to the CASIE CENTER and give it to Gail deSomer or to the church office.

The RE children will stuff the stockings on Sunday, November 27th. It’s a really fun project and it’s for a very important and local organization.