A Conversation on Reparations

On Sunday, February 23rd, South Bend Unitarian Church will welcome Nimbi Cushing and Marty Wolfson as our guest speakers. They will present a message on the work of the South Bend Reparations Working Group, whose mission is to advocate for reparations at the local, state, and federal levels as a way of acknowledging and repairing the … Continue reading A Conversation on Reparations

Marriage Material: Love, Marriage, and Resilience in Uncertain Times

With another Trump administration, many in the LGBTQ+ community have expressed concerns about what this could mean for the future of same-sex marriage rights. But what would losing marriage equality mean for LGBTQ+ people? Beyond broad discussions of rights, equality, and justice, what does marriage actually mean to people today? Why does it even matter? … Continue reading Marriage Material: Love, Marriage, and Resilience in Uncertain Times