Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

Feed Them Dreams

Insofar as a part of mothering is rearing children, how might we all participate in mothering our children, or in supporting those doing that mothering? What can we dream and do together, to help our families flourish? This service will likely be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in … Continue reading Feed Them Dreams

Nota Bene: Trans 101

Deepening our welcome of the LGBTQ+ community by increasing our understanding of terms like transgender and enby; and countering harmful legislation with gender expansive joy. This service will likely be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Second Chances

Easter is celebrated as a victory over death, while Ostara speaks of a turn of the wheel and new life springing from dead matter. Whichever metaphor you choose, what will you do with this life? What might our UU tradition do with this post-pandemic opportunity? This service may be both in-person and online. Whether or … Continue reading Second Chances

Fleshpots of Egypt

A central human question is how much comfort to trade for freedom. Similarly, how might we balance individual autonomy and communal responsibility? We’ll also celebrate an Ingathering of new members. This service may be both in-person and online. Whether or not the sanctuary is open for a limited number of participants, it will definitely available … Continue reading Fleshpots of Egypt

Progressively Less Other

A millennium ago, those of different religions were suspect (at best). Two hundred years ago, our ancestors misspelled and partially understood them. Now the world’s religions are in the palm of our hand. The sixth in our series about the Sources of our living tradition. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online, … Continue reading Progressively Less Other

Typical Stereo Behavior

Who is the guy in the muddy Jeep with the Punisher decals, really? How do we avoid stereotyping the folks we assume are stereotyping us? This service will be multi-platform: some people in the sanctuary and some participating in our online First Zuumitarian portal. You can join by using this link: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Come New to this Day

As we hope for a world without pandemic, as we welcome springtime, as we plan for a new church year, may we come new to each day. Leaving the armor and disappointments of yesterday, forgoing expectations for tomorrow, may we arrive curious and whole-hearted for this present day. This service may be both in-person and … Continue reading Come New to this Day

Second That Emotion

This is the second of a series of sermons on our natural, normal, human emotions. Just as our feelings can lead us into conflict with others, let’s explore how we can engage those feelings to grow *through* conflict. Please check to see if this service will be multiplatform (with some participants in the sanctuary) or … Continue reading Second That Emotion

Let Mother Nature Do the Rest

We’ll celebrate Valentine’s Day, Darwin’s Birthday, and note the death of Michael Lee “Meatloaf” Aday. To participate in this service online, join us at First Zuumitarian at this link: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822 or just use a phone: 312.626.6799 (with code 477 434 9822).