Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

Pretend God Is Real

From philosophical “fictionalism” to the practice of “fake it ’til you make it,” sometimes pretending can have beneficial real-world consequences. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Moving Stones

Celebrating rebirths of many kinds, including humility and curiosity. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Torah Translations

How changing emphases in translation can result in life-enhancing consequences. Can we see our own lives more “purely?” We’ll also welcome new members! This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Ostara Wonder

Join us as we celebrate the turning of the Wheel, and welcome Spring. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Breathe Deep

How embodied practice can help save the world. How naps and feeling our emotions can help to undermine white supremacy culture. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Getting to the Point

If satisfaction rarely comes from inertia, what might be the point of our shared labors? What is the meaning that we’re making? This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Beyond Seven Principles

How do we communicate our values and our theological / philosophical identities? How might we describe who we are, and who we want to be? As the Article II Study Commission recommends changes (no more Seven Principles!?), let us reflect on shifting our identity from “me” to “we.” This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in … Continue reading Beyond Seven Principles

Universalism as Praxis

The joys and challenges of taking “inherent worth of every person” seriously. How Bugs Bunny, door-to-door missionaries, and covenant groups can help us grow our souls. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Tale of Two Buses

Actions to take so that we–and others–feel like riding the Struggle Bus much less often. This service will likely be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Christmas Eve

Merry Zoom-mas to all! Due to the extreme weather conditions, and the Orange status of St. Joseph County, we are moving our Christmas Eve service ONLINE. We regret that our service will not involve a “real” candlelight ritual, nor singing together, nor enjoying each other’s festive clothing, nor sharing cookies, cider, and stories after the … Continue reading Christmas Eve