Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

Should Everyone Vote?

Election ’16 is almost over! This election has demonstrated the flaws inherent in our system—and it has shown (at least some of) us at our very best. We’ll explore how some of our core values are and are not lived out in the civic sphere. We will also welcome new members this morning, and share … Continue reading Should Everyone Vote?

Loving Every Loss

Life is brief, and precious; and what we do with our lives matters. This service will include our annual Naming of Our Beloved Dead—-bring pictures or small mementoes of those loved ones whom we have lost, to display at the front of the church.

Never Not Broken

Akhilandeshvari is the Goddess of Never Not Broken. In the Hindu tradition, she reminds us that there is nothing wrong with being broken—it is only by being broken that we are liberated from our illusions of completeness, and become unlimited. We’ll look at similar ideas from Miguel De La Torre (on hopelessness) and Dina Glouberman … Continue reading Never Not Broken

First to Forgive

Celebrating the High Holy Days with our [observant] Jewish cousins, we’ll explore the concepts of accountability, forgiveness, responsibility and restitution.

Mission Critical

The Mission Statement of Live Oak UU is to “embrace joy / enrich connections / encourage growth / empower dreams” They use their mission statement to inform their decisions about their congregation and its programs. Might we update our own mission statement, and if so, what might it be?  

Coming Home–Like Rivers to the Sea

Our annual water ceremony—bring a little water from some place you visited this summer, and the story about why/how that water (or the place from which it comes) holds meaning for you. We’ll have a potluck luncheon after the service.  

Ask Me Anything

Rev. Chip will answer your questions about UUism, ethics, congregational life, eschatology, panentheism, “Black Lives Matter,” or anything else on which you want his take. Email your questions by 8/21; a few live questions will get answered, depending upon time constraints.  

A Gospel of Ice and Fire?

With superhero movies at the Cineplex, Game of Thrones on the TV, and dystopian novels leading book sales, what are we to learn about ourselves and our culture? From Jacob wrestling an angel, through Frankenstein’s monster, to Harley Quinn and Black Panther, how do our heroes and villains shape our future?

GA Highlight Reel

General Assembly was inspirational, educational, challenging and potentially life-changing for the seven of us who attended—and we’re bringing some of the best bits home to share with you. We’ll have amazing music, powerful speakers, controversial ideas and personal testimony