Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

Agape, Eros, Philia & More

Perhaps second only to the word “God,” “love” may be the most overused and misunderstood word in human speech. We use the same word for everything from sexual hedonism to selfless service, from innocent connection to ironic cruelty, from casual appreciation to life-transforming commitment. Exploring the ancient Greeks’ seven types of love may bring us … Continue reading Agape, Eros, Philia & More

We Hold These Truths

On this first Sunday after Inauguration Day, let us state, plainly and clearly, who we are and what we are trying to do in the world. As things begin to change, it is good to present the axioms and principles which will ground and guide us for the foreseeable future.

Christmas Morning

We’ll lift up Jesus’ message of peace, justice and joy with a low-key Christmas morning service. Come in your pajamas, if you wish, for this warm expression of holiday community

Christmas Eve

We’ll celebrate Christmas Eve with a family-friendly song-filled service, ending in candlelight

Balancing Act

Celebrate the Oak King’s (temporary!) victory over the Holly King with a neopagan ritual. We will honor the dark, welcome back the light, and participate in a solstice ritual of writing on a Yule Log (which will be burned later that afternoon). Our children will also present their holiday pageant.

Vespers Service

Sick of Christmas Carols already? Overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of advertisements? Escape into the quiet, calm beauty of a Vespers service. We will sing a few peaceful songs and read poems and enjoy some shared silence to remember the beauty that still exists underneath the holiday hoopla.

Intersectionality of Sex & Spirit

How can we reclaim the pleasurable, powerful, *necessary* act of sex from its demonized and largely misunderstood present, and use it to thrive within–and ultimately smash–the capitalist racist heteropatriarchy? This will be a shortened version of the lecture I gave at the College of Wooster, Ohio, last October.

Cheated by a Giant Panda

This year, may we celebrate the miraculous wonders of family, friends, and ordinary life, and be less distracted by the holiday fantasias written by various companies’ marketing departments. Rev. Chip’s annual anti-consumerism rant—now with new, improved suggestions!

Now What?

Whoever won in our many elections, there is still a great deal of work to be done. How do we respond do all the things that were said and done over the last year+? How do we engage those who disagree with us? Now that the circus is over, what shall we do to get … Continue reading Now What?