Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

Hijab & White Helmets

As our Muslim cousins prepare for the month of Ramadan, we’ll challenge some misconceptions, and celebrate some real-life heroes. Our congregation’s Annual Meeting will follow the service.

It Takes Dedication

“It takes a village,” they say. How might we as a congregation best participate in the rearing of the delightful children among us?

Higher Ground

We’ll explore the wisdom of Stevie Wonder’s music, with professional musician Andrew Fisher.

Raising Tomatoes on Emergency Bivouac

On this, her 72nd birthday, we celebrate the fierce questions and earthy wisdom of Annie Dillard, who wrote, “Together we notice not only each mountain shadow and each stone on the beach but, especially, we notice the beautiful faces and complex natures of each other.”

Matchsticks and Glue

We’ll celebrate Easter with tales of resurrection, reincarnation, rebirth, and re-conceiving who we are. Must we die to have our legacies improved?

The Water’s Fine!

We’ll explore the lessons of Passover (a little early), and welcome new members with an Ingathering ritual. Who *was* Nachshon ben Aminadav, and why is he relevant to us?

Sing! Aretha and Sisters

Celebrate Women’s History Month, and Aretha Franklin’s birthday, with great music and inspirational stories. Like many human beings, Aretha has had her share of tragedy and success. Like most women, she found ways to survive and shine in a male-dominated world

Whole Megillah

One of the most famous feminists in the bible, with torture, death threats, and “Jewish Mardi Gras”? It must be Purim! Come ready to hiss the evil villain and celebrate the courage of Queen Esther. Once again, the lessons of the ancient world seem more resonant than ever.

Now More Than Ever

Attendance is up at many UU churches, since the 11/8 Presidential election. Our nation, and our world, need our Unitarian Universalist values now more than ever. This is our opportunity to lead. Stay after the service for a free Stewardship Luncheon, featuring Cuban food (vegan and omni available).

(De-) Escalating Inequality

The increasing wealth gap in our world is not merely a soft-hearted justice issue: it is also becoming a threat to national security, as refugees challenge borders all around our globe. How might we engage the subtle but powerful effects of class and classism?