Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

All Of Us Need All Of Us

The Beloved Community welcomes all ages and genders and…and…non-neurotypical folks? Those who use power chairs or scooters? How might we liberate and welcome EVERYONE?!


We’ll celebrate our “true blue” commitment to inclusion and equity for all persons. Our Second Sunday collection will go to “The Promise and the Practice of Our Faith” campaign, supporting the Black Lives of UU organization.

Joy & Healing

Many people seem stressed beyond their carrying capacity these days. We’ll do a little healing through joy.

Tenderloin, Stonewall, Rainbows

A half-century after the Stonewall Uprising, how have the lives of LGBTQIA+ people improved? What yet needs done? Let’s celebrate & add some glitter to this golden anniversary!

Boys Will NOT Be Boys

Not all masculinity is toxic, but the parts that are toxic are harming boys, men, people of all ages & genders, and our very planet. How might we re-imagine masculinity?

Soul Repair

As we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, let us also note other costs of war.

Fundamentalist UUs?

From Billy Sunday to Billy Graham, to Rev. Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, religious fundamentalism does evolve. What might a fundamentalist interpretation of UUism be? Our Annual Meeting will follow the service.

The Power of We

Borrowing the theme of this year’s General Assembly, we’ll explore the power, possibility, and purpose of finding a path forward together, through struggle and heartbreak toward gladness. Join us as we welcome new members.

Angry at God

What are we to do, when we are angry at God (or at the universe)? Featuring an XTC classic sung by our choir, and a Stephen Schwartz piece sung by Deb Carew.