Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

Gaming I: Alternate Victory Conditions

In this first of a three-part sermon series, we’ll explore how board games can help make us better (more compassionate) people. See also the articles on three gaming sessions this month, and the “bring a friend” raffle. Stay after for the potluck, and André Stoner’s presentation.

Highlights from GA’19

We’ll look back at our UUA’s General Assembly 2019, as the deadline for the biggest discounts for GA’20 looms. Among others, we’ll hear from Richard Blanco—the first immigrant, the first Latino and the first openly gay person to serve as a U.S. inaugural poet (Obama’s second term).

NAACP at Eleventy-One

As the NAACP celebrates the 111th anniversary of its founding, we’ll take note of its successes, its challenges, and the Unitarian woman who helped found it.

Brigid, Boudicca & Enheduanna

A goddess, a warrior queen, and the first poet whose name we know—we’ll celebrate powerful women from history, and claim their gifts for our contemporary struggles. After the service, please join us for our monthly potluck. All are welcome!

Christmas Eve

We’ll sing some songs, tell some stories, and end with a candlelight ceremony of “Silent Night.” All are invited to stay after to share refreshments.

On Unsentimental Love

What is “unsentimental” love? How does it differ from “tough love”? Is it closer to agape or eros? Why might unsentimental love be just the thing we need to save our planet?