Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush


We may stay with challenging lovers because the “benefits” outweigh the discomfort. Family members may find patience through their love for their kin. How might our compassion for other humans (and love for ourselves) help us remain engaged with those who seem to not share our values? See the “News” section of this website for … Continue reading rEVOLution

What Still Works

While acknowledging the truth in Kate McKinnon’s Saturday Night Live cold open sketch, we’ll explore what can still work in our lives and our world. First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be several opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe … Continue reading What Still Works

Holiday Traditions

Whether or not we get to celebrate all of our usual family traditions, in this year of pandemic, even the stories of them can bring us joy. Children (and adults) will be invited to share a story about a favorite ornament, decoration, or family tradition.

St. Lucia, Bearing Light

Swedes celebrate St. Lucia’s Day on December 13, honoring a girl martyred in 304 CE. What can we learn from her story (other than wearing candles on your head is probably dangerous)? https://youtu.be/_JJIVWwv9bA

Pronoia & Possibility

Pronoia is the opposite of paranoia, according to Rob Brezsny. Even as the pandemic rages, climate crises loom, and certain politicians got re-elected, can it be that things may actually turn out okay?!?

Spoons & Other Emotional Utensils

Some people measure their energy in metaphorical “spoons,” such as “I cannot today, but I should have the spoons for that task tomorrow.” We’ll explore how the metaphor helps us understand disability, and then extend the metaphor to other silverware.

Now What, Redux

Whatever happens on November 3rd, there is a great deal of work to do, to bend our nation and our world toward the Beloved Community. First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends.   https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822 or just use a phone: 312.626.6799

Messages on the Wind

Our beloved dead live on in our memories, and we may still want a way to communicate with them. We’ll toll the names of those we’ve lost, and share pictures/mementoes First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends.   https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822 or just use a phone: 312.626.6799

Instruments of Peace – Pet Blessing!

Celebrating our animal companions and the love, amusement, support, and safety they can provide. First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be several opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe Hour after the service. https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822 or just use a phone: 312.626.6799

Giving Up Hope for a Better Past

Forgiveness is NOT owed to anyone; and it can be a powerful form of healing for ourselves. First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe Hour after the service.