Speaker: Rev. Chip Roush

American Dirt in the Bardo

What might we learn from these recent novels? What do their subjects have in common with the Persian poet Hafez? First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe Hour after the service.

Water Ceremony

We’ll hold our annual Water Ceremony even if it is online! First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe Hour after the service.

Time Is Not Money

Reclaiming the dignity of work from the culture of consumerism. How the pandemic has opened our eyes to the hidden costs of “work.” Or, why are there so many “Help Wanted” signs these days? First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be opportunities to … Continue reading Time Is Not Money

Celebrating in Joy

In-person and over Zoom, our congregation gathers to support and challenge each other. We listen, we share, we inspire each other. For the first time in seventeen months, a significant number of us will be at our church building. For the first time since we marched there, seven years ago, we’ll hold most of the … Continue reading Celebrating in Joy

Prophets Old & New

Prophets speak truth to power–which is why it’s usually been dangerous to be one. They may inspire similar courage and action in later generations. The second of a series on our UUA Sources. First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be opportunities to talk … Continue reading Prophets Old & New

Circled ‘Round

We’ll revisit some of the high points, the conversations, and the work done at General Assembly 2021. First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe Hour after the service. https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

A Theology of UFOs

Of course UFOs are real–they’re just unidentified. On this 45th anniversary of the discovery of the “Face on Mars” (Cydonia), we’ll explore what our alien accounts and conspiracies tell us about ourselves.

That Transcending Wonder

Our UU living tradition includes Transcendentalists, séances, hippies, and UU Mystics on Facebook. The first of a series on our Unitarian Universalist Sources. (Many thanks to Gail deSomer for naming this topic, having purchased that right in our annual Auction fundraiser)

America’s Ghost Writers

Who might write the next chapter in our nation’s story? Some ideas about “we the people” from David McCullough, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Nell Painter, and Neera Tanden.