Random Thoughts on the Invention of Hell
This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. See the tab “Zoom links” above for how to join us for First Zuumitarian.
This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. See the tab “Zoom links” above for how to join us for First Zuumitarian.
This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. See the tab “Zoom links” above for how to join us for First Zuumitarian.
A light hearted but serious look at why you might or might not want to join a Unitarian Church. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. See the tab “Zoom links” above for how to join us for First Zuumitarian.
As is First Unitarian’s tradition, we have a special service on the night of Christmas Eve. This year we had the privilege of hearing Rev. Byrd Tetzlaff’s take on the story of Jesus’ birth.
If God really is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, then She’s got a lot of explaining to do.
The incredible story of a UU Pioneer – Fannie Wright.
The every day use of theology.
The service this week is an experimental service, it will be a conversation between minister and congregation. The topic will be the ten commandments. We invite you to be thinking about which commandments you like, which might need modification and which might be done away with. And, are there any missing commandments? Since this was a discussion based … Continue reading Ethical Ten Commandments
Come learn what different sized church congregations are like. We’ll explore why we all have decided to come to this congregation and what exactly it is that we want from our church. Below is the Order of Service as well as the recording of the sermon. If you have any questions please email office@firstunitarian.us
A story-teller speaks of Memorial Day This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822