Speaker: Florence Klecka

Annual Poetry Service

As we do every year, we dedicate a service to the sharing of our favorite poems. You never know what you may hear! There will be time for an open mic if you get inspired on the spot.  This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in … Continue reading Annual Poetry Service

It Sounds Along the Ages

As our church is almost 72 years old, we’ll take a look back at some of the lore surrounding the people and events that brought us where we are today. Sometimes it’s a case of “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” Sometimes it’s “Whoa! Things have definitely changed!” We’ll have an … Continue reading It Sounds Along the Ages

How Hell Became a Joke

We’ll dip into the archives for this classic sermon written by the late Rev. W. Edward Harris, who served our congregation briefly in 1978. Rev. W. Edward Harris, who passed away in 2012, was our “minister-on-loan” for six transformative weeks in 1978. This reading of his 1978 sermon, originally delivered in his home church in … Continue reading How Hell Became a Joke

Haunting Houses

Look back on your memories of living in homes, closing your eyes and remembering details: the creak of a swing, the worn hollow of a favorite chair. What did you find there — a hiding place, a crying place, a place with friendly people? What did you experience that haunts you today? Where did you … Continue reading Haunting Houses

Bread and Roses

Declared a national holiday in 1894, Labor Day is mostly considered the end of the last weekend of summer. But to truly celebrate its significance in American life, several congregants will share their first (or worst) jobs. What did they learn? What better way to fully appreciate the labor movement’s role in building a better … Continue reading Bread and Roses

Quaker Service

What goes on during a Quaker service? Come this Sunday for a taste of this deeply spiritual gathering, practiced for hundreds of years by Quakers worldwide. We’ll share a bit of the history and theology of the Society of Friends, then enter the service itself. Sit in fellowship, speaking as the spirit moves you—or not … Continue reading Quaker Service

The Sin of Original Sin

Join us as we reprise “The Sin of Original Sin,” a 1955 sermon by Rev. Gaede This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

To Err is Human

The older we get, the more mistakes we make. Why is it so hard to own up to them? Sometimes we need to think outside the box, and dare to be stupid, as a wise Californian once said. (Actually, he said it hundreds of times.) This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. … Continue reading To Err is Human

Annual Poetry Month Service

Join us as we celebrate poetry and the human feelings it evokes. Bring your own (short!) poem, read one by somebody else, or suggest something for others to recite. This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First … Continue reading Annual Poetry Month Service