Speaker: Dr. Barbara Williams

Special Waters

An annual Intergenerational service –a tradition to bring some water collected from summer places visited or places that are special to us. We share the story of the origin(s) with our gathered community while we fill the bowl of shared experience.

M. Scott Peck: The Gift of Community

We’ll explore the stages of community, according to psychiatrist and author M. Scott Peck This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822

Anti-Abortion Activism Hurts Us

Reasonable people may disagree about abortion. However, anti-abortion “care centers” do measurable harm to the people they “serve,” and Diana Greene Foster’s landmark study demonstrates that abortion does NOT hurt women–nor their existing children. Who really is pro-life?