“The Church of What We Know”

“The Church of What We Know” explores, through words and song, the story of the universe as science describes it and how UUs can help develop ways to spiritually connect with that story.

Minnesota’s Peter Mayer has been singing and songwriting full-time for over 20 years, performing in venues across the United States and beyond, including our own church. He writes songs for a small planet–songs that celebrate life on earth and the mysterious and wondrous fact of our existence–songs about the vast cosmos that surrounds us and how we are a part of it all. He also writes songs about dress hats, pumpkins and pajamas, and even love and freight trains just like a good folk musician should.  

First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be several opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe Hour after the service.  https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822 or just use a phone: 312.626.6799