Peace in the Middle East

Due to the horrors occurring recently in Israel and Palestine, tomorrow’s service will focus on peace in the Middle East, rather than the previously scheduled service topic.
We’ll explore these traumatic events in their complex contexts. We’ll lift up potential ways toward peace and healing for all, including some resources that our UUA will offer in the coming weeks.
A couple of good organizations to which one might want to donate, which I’ll mention tomorrow, are the Alliance for Middle East Peace, Anera, and Women Wage Peace.

We’ll hear about the amazing life of Catherine Hilda Duleep Singh someday in the future. For now, let us hold each other gently, and send special love to our Jewish and Muslim friends and family.

This service will be multiplatform–we’ll gather in person and online. However many of us are together in the sanctuary, you can definitely find us at First Zuumitarian: