Marriage Material: Love, Marriage, and Resilience in Uncertain Times

With another Trump administration, many in the LGBTQ+ community have expressed concerns about what this could mean for the future of same-sex marriage rights. But what would losing marriage equality mean for LGBTQ+ people? Beyond broad discussions of rights, equality, and justice, what does marriage actually mean to people today? Why does it even matter? Who needs marriage, and for what? Drawing on over a decade of research, I will consider the many ways LGBTQ+ people have become “marriage material,” shaped by marriage  – whether they like it or not – and what we can learn from LGBTQ+ people about love, commitment, and resilience in the face of uncertainty. 

Dr. Abigail Ocobock is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Notre Dame. Her research focuses on how social institutions impact family relationships, gender inequality, and sexualities.

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