Our Zoom  Auction was a great success! We raised over $5,000!  Auctioneer Jim Ward ran it smoothly and our entertainers kept us amused. Thanks to Irish fiddlers Callahan Carr and her Dad Tommy Miller, ballad singer Alan Hamlet, joke teller Wendy Lohman, and Limericks from Jim Curlee.     Accountants Gail & Allen deSomer … Continue reading 42nd AUCTION RESULTS!

Grief Ritual

Gathering with friends can help us grieve our losses and recover more fully from those losses. With the vast amount of grief in the world, and the isolation of pandemic, it is even more valuable than usual to gather in support and celebration. Tonight at 7:00 pm EDT. Church zoom URL https://uuma.zoom.us/j/4774349822 or just use a phone: 312.626.6799


On February 21, we celebrated this year’s First UU birthday!  Florence Klečka presented a creative video during worship that offered a nice bit of history. You will enjoy the old photos. Turn your sound on and click on the link! https://firstunitarian.us/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Here-Today.mp4

Game Night

Let’s play games! There are several fun, easy-to-learn games which play well over Zoom (such as Just One). We’ll play on Tuesday evening, March 9, at 8:00pm. RSVPs (to Rev. Chip) are welcome but not necessary. We’re also looking at a game lunch on Wednesday, March 24, at noon. We could also play on Board … Continue reading Game Night

Zoom Auction

We will be having our annual Auction via Zoom on the first day of Spring, Saturday, March 20, at 7:00. St. Patrick’s/ Ireland/ Spring will be our theme. So we can wear the Green, eat and imbibe Irish, hear some jokes, limericks, and ballads from the Land of the Leprechaun! Watch the weekly CHIRP! for details! … Continue reading Zoom Auction

link to First Zuumitarian

Click here to join a First Zuumitarian service; or just use a regular phone: 312.626.6799 (with ID 477 434 9822)

Donations Drive

Our next Broadway Christian Parish Donation drive is March 13.  We received this from BCP:“Thanks so very much for the continuing support your congregation is providing to our community ministries! As part of Covid relief, we have received a grant through the United Way that is helping to cover food through May 31. So, it would be … Continue reading Donations Drive