Flower Communion
Sunday’s “Flower Communion” was beautifully done by Florence Klecka, and enhanced by the choir. Thanks to all who contributed flowers.
Sunday’s “Flower Communion” was beautifully done by Florence Klecka, and enhanced by the choir. Thanks to all who contributed flowers.
Church members and friends are aware that we have had work done on the roof of the church building over the past couple of years, including replacement and repair of the south roof. However, a big roofing project is still in front of us: replacement of the north roof, currently estimated at $36,600. The Finance … Continue reading Raise the Roof Campaign
Opening: March 17 Closing: mid-May View this popular exhibit of local artist Janet Johnson on Sunday mornings, or during the week from 10 am – 12 noon.
The Church is currently seeking candidates for two part-time positions: Coordinator of Religious Education and Office Manager. Coordinator of Religious Education Position: 12-15 hours per week @ $20 per hour. Click here for the Position Announcement with details about preferred qualifications and how to apply. For more information about the position, click here for the … Continue reading Two Positions Open: Coordinator of Religious Education & Office Manager
The Endowment Committee invites proposals for grants from the annual endowment disbursement. If you or your committee sees an area of interest, growth or expansion for our Church, please complete this Endowment Disbursement Proposal Form and submit to the Endowment Committee by March 1st. The Endowment Committee will then make recommendations to the Board for … Continue reading Endowment Proposals – Due March 1
Findings: The congregation is committed to a healthy and vibrant religious education program for children and youth. There were many positive experiences shared from the past, and there is a strong desire to enhance current programming, including hiring a staff person to oversee the program and create a strong religious education committee to guide the … Continue reading Report of RE Consultant
Our Christmas Eve Offering will replenish the Ministerial Discretionary Fund. Rev. Chip uses these monies to provide emergency aid to members and non-members. In the past, it has helped to buy food, pay rent or utilities, or assist someone to move out of an unhealthy situation. – If you will not be attending the Christmas … Continue reading Christmas Eve Offering
Participate in the Stewardship’s first Ginger Bear Bonanza. – Look for the “empty” tree in the foyer. It is awaiting your donations to decorate it with “Gifting” Ginger Bears. – The Stewardship Committee will provide a list of items (with a range of prices) needed to keep this church running, which you could “buy” with … Continue reading Ginger Bear Bonanza – Sundays, Dec. 9, 16 & 23
Visit our Bazaar for lots of useful holiday items and great Gift Baskets. Your purchases, of these “gently used” items, are good for the environment, your budget and our budget! — All proceeds go to the church. Dessert Raffle: While perusing the Bazaar, don’t forget to buy tickets to win a delicious treat to enjoy over … Continue reading Holiday Bazaar & Dessert Raffle – Sundays, Dec. 9 & 16
You can watch Rev. Chip discuss politics and religion on WNIT’s “Politically Speaking.” He joined Dr. Elizabeth Bennion, Rev. Nate Loucks, and Dr. Jared Burkholder on two episodes of the weekly broadcast. The second airs this Friday night at 7:00, and will re-run Sunday at 2:00. The previous episode is available online (the second will … Continue reading Rev. Chip on TV – Friday Dec. 7, 7 pm