Auction Success!

A big “thank you” goes out to everyone who helped and came to our 41st annual Auction on Oct. 19. To all donors and buyers: We had our most successful night ever – over $14,000! Selling two African Safari trips certainly helped! Rookie Auctioneer Jim Ward and joke seller Suzanne Waller made for lots of … Continue reading Auction Success!

New UU Classes Scheduled

If you have been interested in checking out our church, two classes are being offering for you to gather information. Classes will be held on November 17 & 24, at 11:45 (after the service)

Holiday Events Coming Up

Mark your calendars for First Unitarian Church’s popular holiday events! The “Holiday Bazaar and Cookie Walk” is happening on the Sundays of December 8 and 17 (10:00 am-1:00 pm). Our “Dessert Raffle” will be held on December 22 at 11:45 am. Watch for details in the “events” section of our page, as well as the … Continue reading Holiday Events Coming Up

Building Your Own Theology

A new class is starting!! “Building Your Own Theology” is a series of 8 classes taught by Rev. Byrd Tetzlaff, will begin on Sunday, September 22 after the service in the conference room. In “Building Your Own Theology,” we will explore our personal belief systems, how we came to them, and how to articulate them. … Continue reading Building Your Own Theology

Art on the Wall

The Art on the Wall Committee is excited to welcome the South Bend Watercolor Society for its next exhibit. This will be a first for us with a number of different artists displaying their work. The opening will be September 22. Plan to join us after the 10:30 service to get a chance to see the … Continue reading Art on the Wall

Welcome Home

The dove in this photo was designed for our church several decades ago. It has been beautifully restored and re-installed in our new location. Welcome home!

Art on the Wall

Millie Steveken’s watercolor art is currently on display and for sale at First Unitarian Church. Millie is new to our community, so we are really excited to host this show.  Come and view her beautiful work on Sundays from 9:45- 12:15 pm, or during office hours (M-F, 9:00-12:00).