Category: News

General church news

Fall Family Fun

The RE Committee rescheduled the afternoon of fall family fun to Sunday, October 31st from 12-2pm at Potawatomi Park (exact location at the park TBD)! There will be volunteers on hand to play games and supervise painting pumpkins with the kids. We’ll also be providing an allergy-friendly lunch along with treats and cider.  Due to current case numbers … Continue reading Fall Family Fun

New Members Class

If you are new to attending First Unitarian Church and would like to learn more about our denomination, our church, its history, our Seven Principles, our Six Sources of inspiration, how we govern ourselves and how to become a member, please join us on Wednesday, October 27 and November 3 at 7:00 pm  on the … Continue reading New Members Class

“In Person” Worship

Let’s gather outside our church building for an in-person (masked, distanced) on Sunday morning, August 29, at 10:30! Of course, the service will also be accessible on Zoom. We are committed to multi-platform services from now on. Please bring lawn chairs and some tents/canopies to sit under, if it’s too warm in the sun. If it … Continue reading “In Person” Worship

New Board of Trustees

The 2021-2022 Board of Trustees for First Unitarian Church, South Bend, was affirmed by vote at the Annual Meeting on May 16. The new board will begin in July, which is the start of the fiscal year. Congratulations to: President:  Anne MannixVice-President: Ken ChambersSecretary: Kay AzarTreasurer: Catherine Lundergan Trustees:Gail deSomerBecky LindstromDarlene CatelloRuth Regan


    Our Zoom  Auction was a great success! We raised over $5,000!  Auctioneer Jim Ward ran it smoothly and our entertainers kept us amused. Thanks to Irish fiddlers Callahan Carr and her Dad Tommy Miller, ballad singer Alan Hamlet, joke teller Wendy Lohman, and Limericks from Jim Curlee.     Accountants Gail & Allen deSomer … Continue reading 42nd AUCTION RESULTS!