Category: News

General church news

Covid Policy as of October 2024

First Unitarian Church of South Bend’s Board of Trustees recommends the following in accordance with Federal, State, and County guidance regarding COVID-19 and other infectious Respiratory Illnesses. Our Core Prevention Strategy Stay up to date with all your vaccines (including 24-25 COVID 19, 24 influenza, pneumonias, and RSV).  Practice good handwashing and hygiene. Another way … Continue reading Covid Policy as of October 2024

Sculpture Project

There is an interracial group in our community who is raising funds to bring a life-sized sculpture of Harriet Tubman to South Bend. It is of Harriet sitting on a park bench where a passersby can sit and commune with her.  This is a wonderful opportunity for adults, and especially children, to learn about her courage … Continue reading Sculpture Project

Broadway Christian Parish Donation Drive

It’s time for our first Donation Drive of 2022! Your driver will be contacting you for pick up Saturday, January 15, at 10am. If you need a pickup please contact Lois Holm 574.850.6652 If you can, the special needs are: toilet paperwomen’s small underwearmen’s glovesinsulated underwear (long johns) tops and bottomsmen’s 34,36 waist pantsrazorssmall … Continue reading Broadway Christian Parish Donation Drive

Great Decisions Program

GREAT DECISIONS 2022 is scheduled to start the 8 week program on February 6, 2022. The program is a part of the Adult Education program and has been successfully offered for the past several years.  We read a section of the Briefing Book prior to meeting together in the church conference room on Sunday afternoons at 1 … Continue reading Great Decisions Program

Newcomers Class

If you are new to attending First Unitarian Church and would like to learn more about us, please join in the Newcomers’ Class.  This is a two part class meeting on Zoom at 7 pm on Monday, January 31 and Tuesday February 15.  We will discuss our Seven Principles of Belief, our Six Sources of … Continue reading Newcomers Class

New Small Groups Forming

Several small groups are forming. If you are interested in any of these, reach out to the contact person. If you responded to the Zoom poll or paper poll during Sunday’s service on 12/5/21, someone will be contacting you. Weekly Activity Group: Each week there will be a different activity hosted by a different person. Some will … Continue reading New Small Groups Forming

Zoom Worship in the Sanctuary!

After much consideration and careful discussion, the Board of Trustees made the decision to hold zoom watching services at the church, starting THIS Sunday, October 24th.  Masks and vaccinations will be required (for those that are eligible to receive them). Social distancing will be observed. We will welcome a maximum of 25 family units. Please make … Continue reading Zoom Worship in the Sanctuary!