Category: News

General church news

“Kluckers” to be Presented

On Sunday, September 11 at 7:00pm, the Acting Ensemble will present an important play, “Kluckers,” here at First Unitarian. In the 1920’s, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) made a resurgence in Indiana and nationally. The press was instrumental in beginning the decline of the KKK, especially Boyd Gurley, Editor of the Indianapolis Times during the … Continue reading “Kluckers” to be Presented

Congregational Summer Picnic

All ages are invited to our annual Potluck Picnic at the home of Kay and Deeb Azar this Sunday, August 28 at 5:00pm. Please bring a dish to share, lawn chairs, and RSVP to Kathy Platt at RSVP’s not required, but appreciated.

Book Discussion–“Search: A Novel”

We will gather on the church Zoom channel to discuss Michelle Huneven’s book, “Search: A Novel,” on Thursday evening, July 28, at 7:00pm EDT. You can watch Rev. Chip’s spoiler-free sermon on the book on this website.

Religious Education News

Greetings from your DREAM (Directors of Religious Education and Mindfulness) Team! This is a reminder that there will be no Sunday Children’s RE on holiday weekends during the summer, including Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. Children will be welcome to go to the nursery to play, help out Miss Diana, or make art … Continue reading Religious Education News

Sounds Concert

Our first concert in over two years! We welcome internationally renowned guitarist Hiroya Tsukamoto. Hiroya Tsukamoto is an innovative guitarist and composer who fuses folk, jazz, and world music. Born and raised in Japan, in 2000 he received a scholarship to Berklee College of Music and came to the U.S. Tsukamoto’s instrumental abilities are indeed … Continue reading Sounds Concert

Potluck this Sunday

Yay!!!! After worship this coming Sunday (about 11:30) we are celebrating the re-start of our monthly potlucks! We have not had once since the pandemic, so we are excited. Bring a dish, dessert, OR JUST YOUR APPETITE. There is always PLENTY of food! All are welcome.

The Art of Joan Tweedell

During the month of April, Sunday morning coffee hour at First Unitarian will be enhanced by a showing of art by local artist Joan Tweedell. She will display oils, pastels, and prints. Please join us for worship at 10:30, and stay around for coffee, goodies, and art. Invite your friends.

It’s Poetry Time at First UU

If you like poetry, we honor National Poetry Month with the sharing of our favorite poems. This time, it’s April 3. Join us at the church at 10:30. There may be time for “open mic!” All are alway welcome at First Unitarian, South Bend!!!

Monthly Donations Drive

This Saturday, March 12, will be our monthly donation drive for the work done with the Broadway Christian Parish and the homeless. Special needs are canned soup, peanut butter, jelly, Toilet Paper, Spices i.e. onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder, paprika, salt and pepper, and juices. Our drivers will contact you for a 10am pickup at your … Continue reading Monthly Donations Drive