Category: News

General church news

Holiday Bazaar & Dessert Raffle – Sundays, Dec. 9 & 16

Visit our Bazaar for lots of useful holiday items and great Gift Baskets. Your purchases, of these “gently used” items, are good for the environment, your budget and our budget! — All proceeds go to the church. Dessert Raffle: While perusing the Bazaar, don’t forget to buy tickets to win a delicious treat to enjoy over … Continue reading Holiday Bazaar & Dessert Raffle – Sundays, Dec. 9 & 16

RE Consultation

Consultant (and working UU Director of Religious Education herself) Tracy Beck will be here to survey parents, caregivers and older youth about what they want/need from our Religious Education program, on Thursday and Friday, November 15 & 16. Both evenings will include a simple dinner and some child-friendly activities, so the adults can talk with … Continue reading RE Consultation

Welcome to Our New Families!

The attendance in the Religious Education (RE) program has been great. The last few Sundays there have been 6-11 children in the nursery and 16-20 children in the RE classes. It is great to see so many families coming to First Unitarian!

Unitarians on TV! 9/20 9pm

“Defying the Nazis” is a Ken Burns documentary about a Unitarian minister and his wife, who rescued hundreds of dissidents and Jewish refugees from the Nazis. Airing on PBS (WNIT here in Michiana) on Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, at 9pm, the documentary tells of the perils faced by Rev. Waitstill and Martha Sharp. “Defying the … Continue reading Unitarians on TV! 9/20 9pm