Category: News

General church news

Art on the Wall

The Art on the Wall Committee is excited to welcome the South Bend Watercolor Society for its next exhibit. This will be a first for us with a number of different artists displaying their work. The opening will be September 22. Plan to join us after the 10:30 service to get a chance to see the … Continue reading Art on the Wall

Welcome Home

The dove in this photo was designed for our church several decades ago. It has been beautifully restored and re-installed in our new location. Welcome home!

Art on the Wall

Millie Steveken’s watercolor art is currently on display and for sale at First Unitarian Church. Millie is new to our community, so we are really excited to host this show.  Come and view her beautiful work on Sundays from 9:45- 12:15 pm, or during office hours (M-F, 9:00-12:00).

Raise the Roof Campaign

Church members and friends are aware that we have had work done on the roof of the church building over the past couple of years, including replacement and repair of the south roof. However, a big roofing project is still in front of us: replacement of the north roof, currently estimated at $36,600. The Finance … Continue reading Raise the Roof Campaign

Two Positions Open: Coordinator of Religious Education & Office Manager

The Church is currently seeking candidates for two part-time positions: Coordinator of Religious Education and Office Manager. Coordinator of Religious Education Position: 12-15 hours per week @ $20 per hour. Click here for the Position Announcement with details about preferred qualifications and how to apply. For more information about the position, click here for the … Continue reading Two Positions Open: Coordinator of Religious Education & Office Manager

Report of RE Consultant

Findings: The congregation is committed to a healthy and vibrant religious education program for children and youth.  There were many positive experiences shared from the past, and there is a strong desire to enhance current programming, including hiring a staff person to oversee the program and create a strong religious education committee to guide the … Continue reading Report of RE Consultant

Christmas Eve Offering

Our Christmas Eve Offering will replenish the Ministerial Discretionary Fund. Rev. Chip uses these monies to provide emergency aid to members and non-members. In the past, it has helped to buy food, pay rent or utilities, or assist someone to move out of an unhealthy situation. – If you will not be attending the Christmas … Continue reading Christmas Eve Offering