Religious Education News

Greetings from your DREAM (Directors of Religious Education and Mindfulness) Team! This is a reminder that there will be no Sunday Children’s RE on holiday weekends during the summer, including Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. Children will be welcome to go to the nursery to play, help out Miss Diana, or make art in the craft room after the Story for All Ages is read during the church service!

The first Sunday in June, we’re excited that our newest DREAM Team member, Lauren Keck, will be helping kids create recycled milk jug bird feeders. We need 7-10 milk jugs for this project, so if you have an empty, clean one to donate, please bring it Sunday or on June 5th!

This project will dovetail nicely into a kid-friendly bird walk around the church property with our next guest teacher, John Bentley, on June 26th!

Do you have a passion you’d like to share with the children of our congregation? We would love to have you join us as a guest teacher this summer. Are you interested in helping us grow and evolve the Children’s RE program on an ongoing basis? Become a member of the DREAM Team by teaching one Sunday a month and participating in our monthly planning meeting. Please contact Becky Lindstrom ( or Gail deSomer ( to get involved!

One final head’s up – we are hatching a plan for another outdoor RE Adventure for all ages this summer! On July 17th from 2-5pm, we’ll be going wild at the Potawatomi Zoo. Stay tuned for more details!