New Small Groups Forming

Several small groups are forming. If you are interested in any of these, reach out to the contact person. If you responded to the Zoom poll or paper poll during Sunday’s service on 12/5/21, someone will be contacting you.

  • Weekly Activity Group: Each week there will be a different activity hosted by a different person. Some will be outdoors, some indoors, Covid permitting. The goal is to give members and friends opportunities to get together in assorted groupings doing fun, novel, or interesting activities so that they can gradually develop friendships. Some of the activities will accommodate families with children. Contact Michael Coppedge,
  • Chalice Circle: A monthly group of 5-8 consistent members who follow a structured format, including opening words, check-in, topic, readings, closing words. A community service project may be created and implemented. Contact Lynn McDonald,
  • Family group: A once-a-month gathering for families. We’ll have an activity for the kids, time for parents to chat, and plenty of adult volunteers on hand to supervise kids’ activities. Parents with grown kids are welcome to come and share what it’s like on the other side. Another way to participate is to help with the children’s activity so the parents can talk. We hope this will be an intergenerational group! Contact: Megan Sulok, ‪‪ or ‬
  • Sharing our garden space: Taking a walk through others’ gardens would happen in spring through fall. It’s interesting to see all the people who garden and see how our gardens are all different. Many gardeners appreciate others enjoying their space. The schedule would depend on weather and interest. Contact Mary Hagen,
  • Life and politics: a monthly Sunday evening group of people interested in community and local political issues. We’ll meet over a potluck dinner and drinks in participants’ homes to discuss lived experience, analysis of specific issues, humor, information sharing and the work you are doing. Occasional guests and guest speakers. Max: 15 members. Contact Anne Mannix,
  • Boardgaming Group: Monthly games, played while wearing masks. A variety of game themes and difficulties will be available. One session each quarter will focus on family- and child-friendly games. If the pandemic ticks up, we’ll move to online gaming until things calm down again. Open group. Contact Rev. Chip Roush,
  • Undoing Racism Group: Monthly group to unlearn the aspects of white supremacy taught us by western culture, and to learn ways of cocreating a more equitable society. We will read books and articles, watch movies, and discuss them. The group will decide whether it will be open or closed (new groups can be created as interest is expressed). Contact Rev. Chip Roush,
  • Service Evolution Group: We’ll discuss the previous Sunday’s service, with a focus on creating more meaningful, more nourishing, and more welcoming worship. Group members will share how service elements landed with them, and offer constructive criticism with compassion. Open group—anyone may participate any week. Contact Rev. Chip Roush,