Our Zoom  Auction was a great success! We raised over $5,000!  Auctioneer Jim Ward ran it smoothly and our entertainers kept us amused. Thanks to Irish fiddlers Callahan Carr and her Dad Tommy Miller, ballad singer Alan Hamlet, joke teller Wendy Lohman, and Limericks from Jim Curlee. 
    Accountants Gail & Allen deSomer and Florence Klecka tallied with the help of spotters Dan & Lois Holm and Jim Curlee. With this $5,009 plus the $2,618 from the monthly Auctions, we’ve made $7,627 for our budget.
    BIG THANK YOU to all our donors and purchasers! A fun night was had by all. Please don’t forget to send in checks with Auction in the memo line. And anyone who missed out is welcome to make a donation.