Let the Mud Settle

Our minds can be like the water of a pond–sometimes clear, and sometimes cloudy with the mud and muck from the pond bottom. There has been much in our world and lives that continues to unsettle the mud. Practices of mindfulness can bring us a bit more clarity in our interior landscape. When our minds are less clouded, we can then see our world more clearly, if even by a bit.

Our guest preacher today is the Rev. Teri Schwartz, who serves the First Unitarian Church of Chicago, along with her spouse, the Rev. David Schwartz, as a co-ministry team since 2013.  First U is a multi-racial, theologically plural house of worship located in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School and Brown University, Teri lives with her clergy spouse, their two elementary-aged kids, four cats, and a giant St. Bernard. Their house is filled with chaos, fur, and even more love.

First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, silence, encouraging words and the faces of friends. There will be opportunities to talk & listen with other members/friends during Cafe Hour after the service.