Statement about the Movement for Black Lives

“As we mourn the death of George Floyd and other Black people killed by police, and as we respond to COVID-19, which continues to disproportionately impact Black communities, the UUA denounces anti-Black racism and the inherent violence of policing. Police brutality is a symptom of white supremacy and anti-Black racism, and as people of faith and conscience dedicated to justice and liberation, we must name this truth.” — UUA Press Release 

Here are some ways we can channel our grief into change:

  1. Connect to Local and National Organizations 
    1. NAACP: Put your writing skills to use.  Add your voice to the petition on police reform at 
    2. Black Lives Matter- South Bend: Hear about local protests and ways to show your support through facebook.
    3. Civil Rights Heritage Center: Just last Thursday, the Heritage Center hosted a zoom panel, ‘Perspectives on the Current Uprisings.’  When things come together too quickly to be added to the CHIRP, you can still know and participate by joining their facebook group or signing up for their newsletter.
  1. Get Educated
    1. Book Club: Rev. Chip will be leading a monthly group through Zoom to discuss books on race – beginning with “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo, unless others have another idea.  Email the office to sign up.
    2. Beloved Conversations: Our church has run this thought-provoking course on race and identity in the past.  It’s typically held over a weekend, then eight biweekly sessions.  Because of COVID, we are not able to safely start a group right now, but it’s never too early to email the office to sign up. 
    3. Racial Monologues: The UU Fellowship of Port Charlotte has been organizing an annual event to showcase stories from their community.  Might we want to put together a presentation locally, sometime next year when it’s safe again to perform in front of a crowd?  If you have any thoughts, contact Anne or Peg. 
    4. You can also read articles from the UU World.
  2. Don’t Call the Police
    1. Here are some other ways to handle tough situations.  
    2. We’re trying to compile a list of local resources that can be called instead of the police.  If you know of any, email the information to Anne ( or Peg ( )