C.A.S.I.E. Stocking Stuffers Needed

We are in need of donations for the C.A.S.I.E. Center (Child Abuse Services, Investigation, and Education.)

Things we need are: Small toys and games; infant and toddler toys; small cans of playdoh, Barbie type dolls; matchbox cars; soft sport balls; small journals and markers; coloring books and crayons; small stuffed animals; hair accessories and lip gloss for girls; socks, hats, mittens, gloves, and socks for all ages-infant to teen. (No candy, please)

During the church service on Sunday, November 24th, we will be filling the stockings with YOUR donations and they will be handed out to the children whose families come to the center for help during the month of December. Sadly, each year there are increasing numbers of families who come for help.

Look for large donation bags in the church foyer. You can also write a check out for C.A.S.I.E stocking stuffer on the memo line and put it in the donation box or mail to:

First Unitarian Church, 801 E. Washington St., South Bend, IN, 46617

Thank you for helping make a tough time for these kids better.