Discussion of Ten Commandments

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, we had a Dialogue service, led by Rev. Byrd Tetzlaff, talking about the Ten Commandments. Here are notes on what was talked about. No consensus was reached, nor did we come up with a modified list of Commandments. We weren’t trying to do that. We merely asked folks to comment on or modify the commandments. This is what we came up.

1. You shall have no other gods before me

This implies that there are other gods to be worship – which can be confusing.
Also, the early Israelites worshipped God’s wife, Asherah,  so they did have at least one other god

2. You shall not make idols

It was mentioned that for many folks, they are addicted to internet and cell phones, which could be seen as idols. Celebrities can be on pedestals for some folks.

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain

No one commented on this one until the talk-back – which was not recorded

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy

  • It was pointed out that if we did not have a day of rest how many people would be worked to death? But perhaps it would not need to be everyone taking the Same Day for rest.
  • Important to take a break from the busyness of life and just focus on sacred/beauty of creation
  • Change it to find what is beautiful in EVERY DAY, not just one day, lots of positive to think about.
  • Practice gratitude and notice the good in the world

5. Honor your father and your mother

  • How do we demand honor for parents and not be commanded to protect and nurture children?
  • One person said it should be that parents “earn” the honor of your children
  • Another said that Honor can be a default that can be lost, as most parents are doing their best.
  • Change to respect and love, not honor, as some parents might have problems with alcoholism, etc.
  • Broadened to a full understanding of what a family is and what it consists of and biology, such as 2 fathers/mothers, etc

6. You shall not murder

  • Due to gun violence problem, should not this be “kill”, as it should say we cannot take anyone’s life
  • What about war – how do we handle this? (No consensus or idea was reached on this question)
  • Death can be caused by laws, who is the responsible (ie. woman died due to not get treatment for miscarriage)?
  • Is it murder to take a down a gunman who is shooting? One person believes even that would be wrong.

7. You shall not commit adultery

  • How does it apply to people who live together and are not married – maybe it should be ‘honor your commitments’
  • It was noted that this commandment and the tenth commandment are related, might be made into one commandment

8. You shall not steal

  • One person noted that big business steals from us and asks if that might justify stealing from them.
  • Another asked Is it stealing to copy someone’s words or music and not cite them?
  • Hoarding, when others are in need is just as wrong and maybe a form of stealing.
  • Another person thought that it is not stealing if you are doing it for survival, such as stealing food for your family.
  • If this is done without malice/violence it may not be stealing. 
  • Another person said they liked this one but added that those who manage money for others should take care and treat that as a real responsibility, or that may be stealing

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

  • This is at the heart of what we are facing recently with deepfakes & political mess
  • Someone noted perhaps it should instead be a positive, such as a Commitment to Truth and Responsibility
  • Be truthful (this can also be vague-ie. white lies)
  • If you take offence at something said, it is like bearing false witness. Always look at what others say/do with forgiveness

10. You shall not covet

  • One person noted that this idea is very much linked to Buddhist idea of pain being caused by attachment and desire.
  • Again, some noted commandment may be redundant

Extra Thoughts

  • All commandments are Talking to the individual reading them, not directed at society at large.
  • Some were not comfortable with the concept of “Commandments,” others thought maybe it should be “Habits of Highly Successful People” and one thought they should be the” Ten Suggestions”. 
  • The time frame of when the Commandments were written was mentioned and noted that their purpose was in trying to create order out of the chaos of their time. The same person suggested that we needed to update them to our current chaos. Suggested looking at the Humanist Principles.
  • More than one person commented on the fact that most of the commandments are written in the negative (thou shalt not) and they would prefer to try and practice in the positive.
    • It seemed to be felt that UUs prefer to have beliefs that allow them to live in a positive way
  • It was noted that the first three commandments are vestiges of the Old Testament God and the rest of them are micromanagement of people.
  • Several folks seemed to think that the Golden rule is what is needed instead, that the Golden rule might replace the Commandments.
  • It was suggested that one ask oneself,” What if Your behavior was done by everyone, how would that impact society?”
  • Mentioned the Need to think through what you are doing as if it were being done to yourself
  • And the final word was from Pagan Philosophy “Do as you will, but harm none”