Gen XMZ at Fusion Fest!

Our Gen XMZ group recently attended Downtown South Bend’s Fusion Fest! Gen XMZ is one of our small groups and it serves folks who are in Generation X, Millennials, and adult members of Gen Z. Gen XMZ participates in a wide variety of activities including regularly attending various big events in the community. For September, Fusion Fest was our major outing!

The Fusion Fest actually has a long history in our congregation. Back when it was known as the Ethnic Festival, First Unitarian used to sell lemonade as one of our major fundraisers. For the second year in a row, Gen XMZ has visited the festival together to build community and honor our congregation’s connection to this event.

Fusion Fest is always held in Howard Park which is just a block or so away from our church. First Unitarian Church has some of the best parking spots for the event, so it was fun and convenient to head over to all the festivities right after Sunday Service.

This year we gathered to enjoy several live musical performances as well as eat some delicious food from all over the world! Several of our group members took particular delight in a local Himalayan restaurant’s offerings. We got to explore all of the different continent’s represented and explore many of the beautiful goods local stores had to show. One member of our group even tried the zip line!

Gen XMZ is just one of the small groups that we have here at First Unitarian. Others include Feasters, a group that meets monthly to enjoy different restaurants around South Bend and SPIRAL, our Pagan group who meets regularly to celebrate Pagan Holidays. These groups are open and anyone is welcome to participate. To find out how you can either come to one of our Sunday Services and mention to someone with a name button that you are interested in one of these groups, or you can email to learn more!