August Report from Defeat the Deficit

For August, the Defeat the Deficit team raised a total of $1,584. These funds came primarily from two different small scale projects.

The first was a boats themed envelope fundraiser. This echoed the fan favorite fundraiser from years past- the Ginger Bears. Here members and friends could purchase a boat that symbolically represented a specific bill that the church is responsible for. The boats were available for two consecutive Sundays.

The second was a mini-raffle where members and friends could purchase tickets to be entered into a drawing. On the last Sunday of the month members of our RE program helped us draw the winning tickets. Participants could enter to win a walking pad, a painting of Mesa Verde, and some fruit bread made by Lynn Liston.

Our monthly goal is to generate $3,000, so this month we made it to halfway through our goal. This month was expected to be a bit shy since this was also the month we needed to obtain board approval to engage in fundraising activities. We have some bigger scale events planned for the coming months which should help us make significant progress on our goals.