Sculpture Project

There is an interracial group in our community who is raising funds to bring a life-sized sculpture of Harriet Tubman to South Bend. It is of Harriet sitting on a park bench where a passersby can sit and commune with her.  This is a wonderful opportunity for adults, and especially children, to learn about her courage and resilience in fighting slavery.

There are several Underground Railroad sites near here in Indiana and Michigan.  In the mid-eighteen hundreds, a group of blacks and whites banded together on the courthouse steps in South Bend to prevent a black family from being returned to slavery in Kentucky.

If you’d like to contribute to this effort with First Unitarian, as we live out our UU principles and to be part of a project to support the African American community here, checks can be made out to the church with Harriet Tubman in the memo line, and sent to the church office (801 E. Washington St., South Bend, IN 46617).