Dale Gibson Memorial Crop Walk

Since our church missed supporting the CROP Hunger Walk in September, many have asked if we can still support this initiative. The answer is YES!

We will have a special collection this Sunday, October 24, honoring the dedication of our dearly missed member Dale Gibson, who organized our walk for decades. We will collect until the end of the month. Give generously.

Supporting the Crop Hunger Walk helps neighbors near and far get meals they need for today and sustainable food security for tomorrow, due to displacement, disease, or disaster.

The overarching organization is Church World Services and your local agencies at Broadway Christian Parish Food Pantry, The Christian Community Pantry, Sunnyside Presbyterian Church Food Pantry, and United Religious Community . Your support is making a big difference in the lives of many hungry and hurting people, locally and globally! 

Checks may be sent to the church, or electronically with the heading CROP Walk. Or you can send directly to https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2021/event/southbendin