Speaker: Lay-led Service

Save the Earth

We like to think we do all we can to slow down, or even reverse, climate change to save the Earth for future generations. This is your chance to share ideas and hope, to become the change we want to see in the world, in honor of Earth Day. This service will be multiplatform-we’ll gather … Continue reading Save the Earth

One Wild and Precious Life

Mary Oliver, in her poem, The Summer Day, asks, “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  How would you answer that question?  Rin Adams, Megan Sulok (&Lilli), Ron Robinson and Lynn Liston will share with us about their wild and precious lives. First Zuumitarian is an online gathering with music, … Continue reading One Wild and Precious Life

Happy Birthdays to Us

This Sunday’s service will be blasts from the past! The church will be a few days shy of its 68th birthday, and through the years, many members and ministers have written about their favorite memories and what this beloved community means. We’ll be sharing some of those words, in our voices today.

Highlights from General Assembly

Couldn’t make it to GA this year in Spokane?  No fear. We’ll watch the Service of the Living Tradition, the traditional service that caps off this annual assembly of UUs from all over North America.

Beltane for All

As the life wheel rotates, Beltane is upon us at the end of April – the opposite end of the year from Samhain, celebrated by most as Halloween. Share in this ancient pagan Shabbat, which honors all kinds of life starting again after a long winter, and discover what’s in it for you. Service Coordinator: … Continue reading Beltane for All

National Poetry Month

It’s time once again for our annual celebration of National Poetry Month. Have a favorite poem that inspires you? Have you written one you’d like to share with us? Do you just like listening to words in interesting combinations? This is the service for you! Join us after the service for our All-Church Potluck.

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we honor those who fought for their country, but were not lucky enough to come home. This Sunday, we will pay tribute to those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for us, and discuss how we can continue their unfinished task.

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we honor those who fought for their country, but were not lucky enough to come home. This Sunday, we will pay tribute to those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for us, and discuss how we can continue their unfinished task.