Jim Curlee shares how his participation in First Unitarian has enriched his life for decades including making friends, learning new things, and connecting to the broader community.

David Mayfield shares his experience at First Unitarian as an Atheist.

Christopher Peters shares how welcoming this congregation has felt as someone relatively new to Unitarian Universalism.

Jim Ward – an agnostic scientist, shares that he has found a home here especially in our care for the wider community.

Florence Klecka reflects on how First Unitarian is a place where anyone can voice their opinions in a positive learning environment.

Ian Bunker, an agonistic appreciates the non-dogmatic nature of our faith tradition and our LGBTQ friendly spaces.

Sara Kawira shares what First Unitarian means to her and her son after recently moving to the area.

Bill Stevens shares how friendly and open folks in our congregation are. He goes on to explain how he appreciates our religious diversity including Pagan practices, Christian ideas, and Buddhist practices all while maintaining an air of welcoming and support.

Jose and Quan share with us how they appreciate that we are a family of doers who accept folks for who they are.

Gail deSomer shares that she is a Unitarian Universalist because its a tradition where she can explore different beliefs all while being in a very welcoming community.